Litigation and Arbitration

Our team is qualified to assist domestic and international clients in matters relating to existing or potential conflicts related to various aspects of business activity, guiding them and defending their interests.

Our team possess solid experience in administrative and judicial courts, as well in arbitration proceedings conducted before the most renowned Brazilian arbitration institutions.

We advise our clients in analyzing disputes, existing or potential, and in defining strategies for their solution through litigation or negotiation and formalization of agreements with the involved parties, including among our activities:

  • Trade relations in order to prevent and solve conflicts;

  • Administrative proceedings, judicial suits, arbitrations and mediation proceedings;

  • Homologation and enforcement of foreign rulings in Brazil, as well as quotes and statements of foreign judicial acts;

  • Legal due diligence including the analysis of lawsuits, procedures and strategies adopted in lawsuits, and evaluation and quantification of risk; and

  • Representing our clients on negotiations and other actions aiming to prevent preventing lawsuits.

  • Av. Sete de Setembro, Nº 2631, 9º Andar - Edifício Space Vitória

  • Salvador-BA

  • CEP 40080-003

Contact Us
  • +55 (11) 3018-4200
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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